First Time Renters Essential List in Bangor, Maine

One of the things young adults look forward to is finally living on their own, renting their first place. You have waited what seems like forever to be independent. Now that you have found the perfect rent what to do, what will you need to set up housekeeping? What is a first time renters essential list? First, to save money, ask family members if they have extras of these items. Then visit a second-hand shop for bargains. As a first-time renter it is easy to overlook some of the most obvious items needed to set up a rental in Bangor, ME.
Bedroom Necessities for a First Time Renters List:
First and the most important item for your new rental is a bed. If you can take your childhood bed, that is great. Further items would be, sheets, pillowcases, a blanket, and comforter. But, if taking your bed is not possible, check with family and friends. They may have a spare bed that you can have or purchase inexpensively. Saving money during the move will help, so anything you can acquire from family and friends is a bonus. Lastly, you will need other basic bedroom items like a bureau, coat hangers, if you have a closet and a bedside stand.
Bathroom Necessities for a First Time Renters List:
Setting up a simple bathroom.
After the bedroom comes the bathroom. It is the first place to set up when you move in! Nothing worse than needing to use the facility and the toilet paper is still packed in a box. Therefore, starting with the bathroom is beneficial. Mostly it is your basic toiletries and a few simple necessities to set it up. Then you can focus on the other rooms in your new rental.
- Your personal toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, razors, toothpaste and toothbrush)
- Shower curtain and bathmat (a towel can double as a bathmat)
- Toilet paper
- Scrub brush
- Plunger
- Towels and wash cloths
- Bathroom cleaners
Kitchen Necessities for a First Time Renters List:
Just the basics to start.
Next you will want to move onto the kitchen. We all need to eat. Therefore, we will stick to super basic to start out with in your new rental. If you love to cook you will want to add many specialty items later. Most first rentals have a tiny kitchen so keeping it to the basics will help.
- Cups or glassware (if you need you can purchase a small set of 4 inexpensively)
- Plates (same thing, a service for four will include plates, bowls and coffee cups)
- Spoons, forks and knives
- A saucepan
- A frypan
- Spatula
- Measuring spoons and cups
- A few spices for cooking (at least salt and pepper to start)
- Dish soap (dishwasher soap if you have a dishwasher in the rental)
- Dish towel
- Paper towels
- Garbage bags, trash receptacle
- Can opener
- Colander or Strainer (for draining)
- Toaster
- Baking sheet
- Sharp knives
Extended list for those who love to cook:
- Coffee maker (if you drink coffee)
- Microwave
- Meat thermometer
- Slotted spoon, veggie peeler, whisk and meat tenderizer.
- Mixing bowls
- Slow cooker
First Shopping Trip:
What is essential?
Your first shopping trip for your rental can be expensive. To help minimize the impact of a first shopping trip it’s best to plan your meals and buy the absolute basics. In the future, you will add a few non basic items each time you shop and soon your pantry and refrigerator will be well stocked. A good first list will include:
- Milk
- Eggs
- Bread
- Sugar
- Salt and Pepper
- Condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup)
- Cereal
- Meat (based on your meal plan)
- Veggies, etc.
Many people visit their local food pantry to help save money on groceries. This is a great way to help build your pantry. It also affords you a great connection for volunteering in the future to help pay back their generosity.
Living Room Necessities:
Do you really need it?
Living room items are up to a person’s personal taste. First would be something to sit in a chair or a small couch. It would be great to add a coffee table that can double as your kitchen table for a while. Next consider a TV and Stand. Or are you okay with using your laptop or phone to watch shows?
Can it wait?
When the time comes you can incorporate a kitchen table and chairs into your living space. Sometimes family will have a lot of these items they would be more than happy to donate to your first rental. If being without a table and chairs is not a big problem, they can wait. Another overlooked resource is a Restore or Goodwill Store. They will have great used items that will be inexpensive and functional for your first rent.
Armed with this simple list you can set up a basic apartment. It will be livable and slowly you can add the other comforts needed to start living your life. To sum it up, you don’t need more than the necessities to start renting. Renting your first place is a step toward independence, freedom and adulthood. Check here for some great cleaning tips!